45 People Who Are Probably Having The Worst Day Ever

That lovely German word 'schadenfreude' describes the pleasure that one gets in witnessing another person's misfortune. While we don't necessarily condone this slightly evil feeling, it can be useful in putting one's own struggles into perspective.
For instance, it's Monday. You didn't get much sleep, the car won't start and you're late for work. What a terrible day you're having! It's easy to feel grumpy and full of self-pity, you might even bring the people around you down as well, with your crappy mood.
However, one look at this list, compiled by Crazy Pumpkin, will immediately make you realize how much worse things can be. These people are having a really bad day, and it's sure to be worse than yours!


He Saw A Squirrel And Dragged Me Through The Mud On My Ass

He Saw A Squirrel And Dragged Me Through The Mud On My Ass


My Cat Couldn't Get To His Litter Box Because The Toilet Door Was Forgotten Closed At Night, So He Spilt The Litter Bag Himself And Pooped On It

My Cat Couldn't Get To His Litter Box Because The Toilet Door Was Forgotten Closed At Night, So He Spilt The Litter Bag Himself And Pooped On It


Kids Playing With Fire Hose During Coast Guard Demo

Kids Playing With Fire Hose During Coast Guard Demo


Some Musicians Just Aren’t Smooth

Some Musicians Just Aren’t Smooth

How Bad Do You Want An Iron Man Armor Suit?



Went To Open My Fridge. Definitely Thought My Hand Was Connected Properly

Went To Open My Fridge. Definitely Thought My Hand Was Connected Properly


This Big Guy And Three Of His Friends Got Into A Newly Built Montana House And Proceeded To Live There For A Month Before Being Found

This Big Guy And Three Of His Friends Got Into A Newly Built Montana House And Proceeded To Live There For A Month Before Being Found


Stuck His Head In A Hole In A Tree To Take A Look, Guess What He Found

Stuck His Head In A Hole In A Tree To Take A Look, Guess What He Found

Their Flight Left 2 Hours Ago

Their Flight Left 2 Hours Ago


Crashed Car And A Parking Ticket

Crashed Car And A Parking Ticket

Good Morning And Happy Valentine’s Day! Why Not Start Your Day Off With A Turmeric Smoothie?

Good Morning And Happy Valentine’s Day! Why Not Start Your Day Off With A Turmeric Smoothie?

I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This

I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This

Oh No

Oh No

Threw My Swatter At A Fly. Don't Ask Questions Because I Don't Have Answers

Threw My Swatter At A Fly. Don't Ask Questions Because I Don't Have Answers

My Brand New Roomba Ran Over My Puppy’s Shit And Proceeded To “Clean” The Rest Of My Home

My Brand New Roomba Ran Over My Puppy’s Shit And Proceeded To “Clean” The Rest Of My Home

Put My Visor Down In The Side To Block The Sun

Put My Visor Down In The Side To Block The Sun

Your Day May Have Been Bad, But It's Probably Not As Bad As 'I Tipped Over A Satellite And It'll Cost $135 Million To Fix' Bad

Your Day May Have Been Bad, But It's Probably Not As Bad As 'I Tipped Over A Satellite And It'll Cost $135 Million To Fix' Bad

The F Fell Off My Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I Drive A Ford Fiesta Lame

The F Fell Off My Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I Drive A Ford Fiesta Lame

When Your Snickers Bar Taunts You

When Your Snickers Bar Taunts You

How Bad Do You Want An Iron Man Armor Suit?



When The Snowplow ‘Nicks’ Your Car

When The Snowplow ‘Nicks’ Your Car

My Dad Bought A Soap From A Charity In 2016 And Only Today Opened The Box. Look What Was Inside! P.S. My Dad Is A Huge Football Fan

My Dad Bought A Soap From A Charity In 2016 And Only Today Opened The Box. Look What Was Inside! P.S. My Dad Is A Huge Football Fan

So Excited To Use My Pizza Cutter For The First Time

So Excited To Use My Pizza Cutter For The First Time


Poor Megan

Poor Megan

Bet She's Glad She Bought That Tire Cover

Bet She's Glad She Bought That Tire Cover


Anyone Curious What Happened After That Guy Ripped His Pants At The Wedding. I'm His Wife

Anyone Curious What Happened After That Guy Ripped His Pants At The Wedding. I'm His Wife


I've Been Using The Complimentary Towel At My Apartment's Swimming Pool. Someone Just Told Me It's A Towel For Wet Dogs

I've Been Using The Complimentary Towel At My Apartment's Swimming Pool. Someone Just Told Me It's A Towel For Wet Dogs


Finally Gave In And Let My Daughter Get A Cat. Turns Out She’s Allergic

Finally Gave In And Let My Daughter Get A Cat. Turns Out She’s Allergic

I Asked To Have It Edged Up So My Bangs Would Be Straight. Proceeded To Cut All My Bangs Off And My Entire Widows Peak. White Guy At A Black Barbershop Problems

I Asked To Have It Edged Up So My Bangs Would Be Straight. Proceeded To Cut All My Bangs Off And My Entire Widows Peak. White Guy At A Black Barbershop Problems

Siberian Summer

Siberian Summer

In Colorado, Due To Rock Fall, A 20 Mile Stretch Of Highway Now Has A 238 Mile, 4,5 Hour Detour

In Colorado, Due To Rock Fall, A 20 Mile Stretch Of Highway Now Has A 238 Mile, 4,5 Hour Detour

A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool

A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool

A Woman Put 1.5 Gallons Of Windshield Washer Liquid Instead Of Oil

A Woman Put 1.5 Gallons Of Windshield Washer Liquid Instead Of Oil

My Favorite Wedding Photo. I Got A Bubble In My Eye While We Were Leaving

My Favorite Wedding Photo. I Got A Bubble In My Eye While We Were Leaving

Life Must Be Hard For Him

Life Must Be Hard For Him

Whoever Threw A Sink Into My Car Last Night

Whoever Threw A Sink Into My Car Last Night

So This Guy Paused A Video Of A Model He Wanted To Look Like And His Barber Mistook The Play Button Icon With His Desired Hairstyle And Shaved Triangles On Both Sides Of His Head

So This Guy Paused A Video Of A Model He Wanted To Look Like And His Barber Mistook The Play Button Icon With His Desired Hairstyle And Shaved Triangles On Both Sides Of His Head


ATM Shut Down With My Card In It

ATM Shut Down With My Card In It

Trying To Even Out My Tan On My Lunch Break

Trying To Even Out My Tan On My Lunch Break

The Door I Had To Get Through Last Night To Get To My Room

The Door I Had To Get Through Last Night To Get To My Room

A Small Crash Revealed Just How Much Make Up She Had On

A Small Crash Revealed Just How Much Make Up She Had On

I Proposed To My GF This Weekend And Proceeded To Drop The Ring Down A Gopher Hole

I Proposed To My GF This Weekend And Proceeded To Drop The Ring Down A Gopher Hole

My Roof Caved In Last Night

My Roof Caved In Last Night

Cut My Finger While Opening A Package Of Band Aids

Cut My Finger While Opening A Package Of Band Aids



Instagram vs. Reality

#45 Waited Almost 14 Years For This Moment, And Of Course I Missed It

Waited Almost 14 Years For This Moment, And Of Course I Missed It
